3 x World Champion Ben Player has done everything the world of bodyboarding has to offer. He is constantly pushing the realms of what this sport is capable of achieving.
Ben has designed this board for those who want the very best board model with greater speed, recoil & projection key.
You can be sure you're riding world champion stock when you pick up an with the BP stamp on it
This is what Ben has to say about his model:
"In surfing I am constantly trying to refine my surfing. Every wave I catch and every section that I hit has been an opportunity for betterment.
This season of NMD boards is a representation of this with and 25 years of refinement I have made the template that I think is the best that can be made.
It's straight so it's easy to gain and maintain speed and the cores are second to none for any condition.
These two factors combine to give you a versatile and elite wave riding vehicle that I am proud to put my name to."
The QuadConcave is the pinnacle of high-performance bodyboarding. Designed with Shape3D CAD software and precision cut using state of the art AkuShaper CNC
technology. The Central Double Concave tracks laminar (water) flow through the centre of the board which keeps you higher up the wave face and enabling you
to generate more board speed. Outer Venturi channels draw laminar (water) flow from a wider entry point into a narrow exit through the tail. Based on bernoulli's principle,
the laminar flow increases speed as it progresses through the channel, giving you substantially more torque and drive. By combining technology with science, NMD brings you the world's fatest bodyboard.
1.4Lb NRG+ Core
8Lb PE Deck
Surlyn Slick
Nose / Tail Bumpers
Nose Bulbs
Crescent Tail
ISS Stringer System
Quad Concave Channels
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